Your 3 Best Paypal Alternatives

Paypal is the most well known way of making and receiving online payments, but they are by no means the only online payment platform available for you to use, and may not be the best online payment options for some people. Here is a look at 3 of the best Paypal alternatives that are available today.


Stripe is an online payment platform much like Paypal, especially from a user point of view. However, from a merchant you do need a developer or have one in house for your business in order to use all of Stripes tools. If you don’t have at least some coding experience then Stripe may be difficult to use. Stripe is especially liked with code savvy people or companies that have an in-house program.

Stripe does have some good points worth considering some of these benefits include. Stripe charges only a flat rate. This payment method is easy for customers to use. Stripe can move your information and data. Customers remain on your website when buying from your website giving merchants more control over their branding. Stripe also has lower charge back fees than Paypal.


Skrill is another alternative to Paypal that may not be as popular as Paypal, but it is a favorite of Ebay sellers. Skrill has a user-friendly interface and is easy for customers to use. Best of all you make your payment through your debit card, bank transfer and credit card. Buyers can really benefit from using Skrill since skill doesn’t charge buyers a fee whereas Paypal charges 3.75% for each transaction.

Skrill is available in 200 countries around the world, meaning you don’t just be local a buyer or seller to use this payment method. Over 120,000 merchants around the world choose Skrill as their payment option. Customers who use Skrill don’t have give out any of their financial details. Such as their banking information.

Payoneer Review - Create Account & Receive Money with Payoneer


Payoneer is a reliable and secure payment service for those who do business online. When you sign up for a Payment account using Payoneer you have to link to your bank local bank account. When you receive payment through Payoneer that payment automatically transfers to your bank.

Payoneer is great for merchants selling their products to other countries because Payoneer offers an excellent conversion rate so you actually get more money put into your account. However, you do keep in mind that you can’t use Payoneer for all overseas payment simply because as of yet, Payoneer is not as widely accepted as Paypal so there may not be merchants in some countries who accept this payment method.

Many companies use both Payoneer and Paypal to get the best deal possible when doing business online.

While Paypal is still the largest accepted online payment platform around the world, however as more and more and more merchants learn about this other online payment solutions and they continue to grow, any of these three alternatives will soon give Paypal a real run for their money. As it stands these options are becoming more popular with various groups of people because of the benefits they offer.