CBD: Well Rounded Herbal Medication Worth Enjoying

In the modern era, there is a lot of pressure and stress in the daily routine activities may it be physical or mental. In such a case, there arises the need for some product which can reduce pains and help in soothing/refreshing the body. This is where CBD comes into the scene.

CBD or Cannabidiol, discovered in 1940, is made up of natural, herbal ingredient formulas in order to rejuvenate mood, engage senses and provide an enlivening approach to good health. It is a naturally occurring substance that is used in products like oils and edibles to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm.

Image result for cbd for dogs

Let us first take an in-depth study of the benefits of CBD:

  1. Relieves chronic pain- Regulates sleep, appetite and immune system response.
  2. Reduces anxiety and depression – Helps in treating insomnia, anxiety, regulating mood and social behavior.
  3. Alleviated cancer related symptoms – It helps in reducing symptoms pertaining to cancer and side effects of chemotherapy like nausea, pain and vomiting.
  4. Beneficial for heart – 
  1. Helps in improvising circulatory system.
  2. Reduces possibility of strokes, heart attacks and metabolic syndrome.
  1. Other benefits – 
  1. Reduces mental disorders and incidence of diabetes.
  2. Helps in removing drug and smoke addiction.

Image result for cbd for cats

For humans, there are a number of edibles available. The issue arises with pets like dogs and cats who cannot express their pain by speaking. Fortunately, CBD is equally useful for health of dogs and cats as under:

  • It can treat neuropathic pain
  • Controls seizure
  • Stimulates appetite
  • Has cardiac benefits.

Side effects:

  • Dry mouth leading to increased thirst.
  • Lowers blood pressure leading to light headedness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Helps reduce inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Reduces disease of pancreatitis
  • Controls asthma and arthritis pain in cats.
  • Controls chronic upper respiratory infections.

Side effects:

  • Increased appetite
  • Allergic reactions
  • Sedations

CBD is known to interact with several medications whether in humans/animals. Hence, as a precaution, it is advisable that before using CBD, discussion with a doctor/veterinary doctor, as the case may be, is must for health safety and to avoid any potential harmful situation.