Drink purified water for better health

You all are well known by the importance of drinking clean and purified water. Drinking contaminated water can be the cause of many diseases. To avoid all these diseases and to stay fit, you should always drink purified water. There is a variety of water purifiers available in the market. They have different features and are available as per your budget. You can shop now by ordering it online and their shipment does not charge any fees from you. After placing your order they will come and install your whole house water filter system.

Types of products they provide

  • Whole house water filter system – This is the best way to get the purified water from every tap in your house. Their tanks contain best Jacobi coconut shell carbons which are used for the highly purified water. The acid washed activated charcoal is best for the whole house water filter system.
  • Salt free water softeners – these water softeners prevent the damages done by the hard water. Salt free water softeners do not remove the magnesium and calcium in the water unlike the salt water softeners. These minerals are essential for your body. These softeners do not require any maintenance cost or leave any residue moreover they are safe for the environment.

Additional services

  • Sediment pre filter kit – all the filters come with the sediment pre filter kit which is installed before the carbon filter. It removes any slit, debris or fine sediment present in the water. This helps the carbon to focus on absorbing the chemical.
  • Lifetime warranty – they use high quality materials which make them long lasting. If the media present in the tank expires then you can easily remove it and replace it with the new one without changing the whole system. They provide full satisfaction to their customers.