Here’s how a domestic violence lawyer can help

In Utah, even threats of physical harm/violence are counted as domestic violence. If you are living in a marriage, where your safety is threatened, or your spouse has been harming you physically, you must seek legal advice. If you have filed for divorce and your spouse is threatening you further, talking to a Sandy domestic violence lawyer can help. The safety of your kids and family should be your immediate priority, and an attorney can help in navigating through the options. 

Get a protective order

If you believe that your spouse can cause imminent harm, or you have already suffered domestic violence, your lawyer can help you get a protective order. Such a protective order can be issued in emergency, or as the circumstances demand, your lawyer can also get a temporary restraining order. The order will prevent the offender from getting close to you or your family, and may also prevent them from owning a weapon. Depending on the facts of the case, the court may also give you the temporary custody of your kids and order child support. 

Can a temporary restraining order prevent domestic violence?

Not really. There is no guarantee that a protective order or temporary restraining order will prevent domestic violence. However, it does heighten the consequences. If your spouse tries to harm you in any way, the law will be on your side and proper action will be taken by authorities. 

Finding the right domestic violence lawyer

When it comes to cases of domestic violence and litigation, experience is important. In many cases, the court may not issue a protective order, just because the petitioner didn’t submit enough evidence to prove their claims. In other words, your domestic violence lawyer has a big role in the entire case, and you have to find someone with credible experience. Your lawyer will not just get a protective order, but can also enforce the order. If there is a violation, they will take necessary action and inform authorities. 

Defending against false allegations

If your spouse has levelled false allegations of domestic violence, you definitely need to contact a lawyer and defend yourself. This is often done because the other person wants to gain an upper hand on matters like alimony and child custody. A skilled domestic violence lawyer can help in protecting yourself against unwanted consequences. 

Check online now for best-rated domestic violence attorneys in Sandy and seek consultation without delaying the matter. 

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