How Vinyl Decals Can Be a Great Way to Advertise Your Business

Getting proper advertising can be an expensive and time consuming endeavor, but there are plenty of great ways to increase your visibility and presence in your local area. Vinyl decals are essentially durable adhesive stickers that can be applied to just about anything, be it windows, vehicles, products, signage, walls, phones, laptops, countertops, and so much more. 

The cost of printing vinyl decals is also fairly low compared to many other kinds of more traditional advertising like posters and ads. With so many ways to use vinyl decals, it’s important to make sure you use them properly. Over-advertising or plastering vinyl decals over every available space is more likely to drive away business than anything else.

Best Ways to Use Vinyl Decals

The best way to use logo branded vinyl decals is to use it where it will get a lot of visibility without feeling intrusive, like putting your business information and contact on your company vehicles if its a service vehicle (for example a landscaping company), or putting it on certain visible pieces of company equipment if you have techs and other employees that make house calls. Plastering advertising information all over your storefront, or posting it on public property will make your storefront look more obtrusive, drawing the wrong kind of attention to your store.

When it comes to storefront graphics and vinyl decals, the best way to use them is for conveying information. Window decals are great for promoting sale information and promotions, especially on your main display windows. Since vinyl decals are extremely durable, you can also use them for basic informational signage, such as store hours, contact information, and other permanent sign fixtures like exit signs and navigational signs. 

Are Vinyl Decals the Only Way to Go?

While vinyl decals are one of the most popular types of vinyl printed advertising, vinyl banners are one of the best ways to advertise when it comes to in store signage. Not only are vinyl banners extremely cost effective, they are durable, long lasting, and can be printed in a variety of large scale sizes. Vinyl banners are also useful for promoting at events, trade shows, or even just outside with a lot of visibility.