How To Uncover And Patch Vulnerabilities In Your IoT Devices For Online And Physical Security Of Assets?

Software vulnerabilities like bugs give hackers a window to breach the cybersecurity of IoT devices in a network. IoT devices like IP cameras and DVR need the utmost protection to keep the network protected, especially because they are also used as a means for physical security. If anyone unauthorized gets access authentication, it can be dangerous for the finances of the company and can also put customers and employees at risk of some physical harm. Therefore, the best way to altogether strengthen devices before attackers can cause any damage is by uncovering software vulnerabilities and fixing them. The best ways of doing so include the following.

  1. Testing Tools

You must use network testing tools and system testing tools to keep your software and cloud as bug-free as possible at all times. This is basically a cyber hygiene habit that reduces the probability of hackers being able to secretly slip malware in IoT devices by misusing a bug.  

  1. Installing Updates

Did you know that every single software code has vulnerabilities from the moment it is written? Those vulnerabilities can, though, be minor as well as major. Thus, no matter how expensive and branded your system is, it will always have bugs. The best ways to deal with it are listed below.

  • Install software updates for all the apps that you have in your software. Manufacturers keep fixing bugs in their software from time to time. All you have to do is install the latest versions that are less buggy.
  • Keep deleting the apps that are obsolete and no longer updated by the developers. Such apps will reduce the impact of cybersecurity layers in all systems in a network.
  1. Hiring Ethical Hackers

This is the biggest resourceful way to find out bugs and patch them before the software can be hacked. In fact, giants like Google and Facebook vouch for running bug bounty programs – the process of inviting white hat hackers and granting them the authentication to access and study the codes and firmware of the software that you use. The basic benefits of doing so include the following.

  • Since ethical hackers are contractually bound, they cannot share the vulnerability with the public before it is fixed.
  • Ethical hackers have sharp minds and sophisticated tools to locate hidden and extremely dangerous bugs too. All they charge is a bounty and recognition in exchange of reporting that vulnerability to the software manufacturers.