Learn How You Can Select The Best Encryption Software 

If you want to choose a suitable solution for data encryption relevant to your business, you must think about several factors. You must not think that all encryption drives can offer you complete security that many of the service providers may try to convince you.

Also, often the vendors are not very supportive while guiding you through various issues because their only intention is to sell you their products. Therefore, before you go for any encryption software, you must know a few tips that we will discuss in this post.

Cyphertop is one of the most efficient and secure encryption software that you can find on the market. Their software is available for your laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and servers. Currently, they are working on the installation of this encryption software app for phone voice and also image communications.

Let us now discuss how you should select your vendor when you are looking for any encryption software for your company.

  • Encryption algorithm

While choosing an encryption software, it is necessary to look into its algorithms for determining how your data can be protected or secured. Few codes or algorithms may perform much faster than the others.

  • Secure deletion

Not only do you want to protect the entire information from all your current files but also like to protect important data that you are discarding. Even those data may contain certain sensitive or relevant content related to your other files. So, you must ensure their protection during your deletion process. 

  • Filename encryption

It is very important that your encryption software must have a certain feature that will allow you to encrypt file names so that all your documents and also their content remain secret.

  • Key sharing

In any company, employees may share relevant information related to their work with each other. While sharing any info they may not share the passwords. So, there must be a provision to share information only with certain specific colleagues so that they can browse and edit the shared file.

Also, before buying any such encryption software, you must ask the following few questions to the vendor.

  1. Will your solution help to protect my threats?
  2. At what layer or layers can you encrypt my data?
  3. How much technical support and training will be required for us?
  4. Whether your product is compatible with our applications?
  5. What platform and operating systems can support your software?
  6. Will your product encrypt PDAs, portable drives, backups, etc.? 
  7. Can you recover my encrypted data if keys are lost?
  8. How are keys stored, created, changed, and archived?
  9. How can the product fail if it fails?
  10. What about the future? Can we change the vendor later?

Hopefully, all the above 10 questions are going to help to guide you to make your best decision for your company to select the right encryption software. You will notice that some of the vendors when confronted with these questions will start telling you many things that they did not tell you before.