Life Insurance For People Living With Diabetes

Are you suffering from diabetes and worried whether you will get life insurance or not. Read on to know the answer to all your queries on having a life insurance plan with diabetes.

Are you eligible to have a life insurance if you have diabetes?

Diabetes are generally of two types, Type 1 and Type 2. Anyone suffering from any of these type of diabetes is eligible to get a life insurance plan. Infact diabetic patients who are on insulin can have a life insurance plan too. Also if the person has kept diabetes on check for the last 6-12 months can easily avail the life insurance policy.

Conditions When Life Insurance Policy Can Be Disapproved

  • Those having diabetes under control but also suffers from additional health risks such as obesity, unrestrained high blood pressure, coronary heart disease or is into smoking.
  • Those whose diabetes is unchecked and is progressing

What Questions Can You Face From The Insurer If You have Diabetes?

The person having diabetes needs to answer several questions to the insurer before he/ she can avail the life insurance policy. The reason behind the questions are that the insurer wants to confirm your health status and the steps you have taken to keep the condition under check.

Your Age At Which Diabetes Was Diagnosed

Age is a vital aspect in determining the damage that the disease may have caused to your body. If you have been diagnosed by diabetes at an early stage then there are chances that the disease may have caused significant damage to your body. Similarly, if the disease has occurred to you at a later age it is considered to have done lesser damage. Typically if the diabetes is diagnosed after the age of 40, it is considered to have lesser health risk.

Kind Of Diabetes That You Have

Generally, there are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2. Those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can avail better quotes than those with Type 1 diabetes. The reason behind is that Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed at a later age and can be controlled with oral medicines and insulin. In case of Type 1 diabetes or juvenile diabetes which is diagnosed in the early ages is considered to have more health risks and requires stringent medication.

Know your A1c level?

The idea level for considering a person risk free is 7 while 7.5 is also considered to be a good health score. In case of diabetes a person having A1c level up to 8.5 is also eligible to apply for life insurance.

Your Blood Sugar Level on Fasting

Insurance companies permit the blood sugar level up to 180 although the blood sugar level for a normal person is 140. However, some insurers also consider the fructosamine levels in blood to be eligible for a life insurance plan.

The Treatment That You Are Undergoing

The treatment that you are undergoing also determines whether you are eligible for availing a life insurance policy or not. Insurers prefer patients who are on oral medication rather than on insulin to keep a check on diabetes. However, it still depends upon the patient’s medical condition whether he/she will be eligible for the insurance or not.