The downside of not having an auto accident lawyer!

Have you suffered serious injuries in a car accident? Do you believe that the other party is at fault? Do you believe that your compensation claim has merit and you deserve more than the cost of medical bills? If yes, you have to get legal help. Finding an auto accident lawyer in Grand Junction is easy, but what happens when you don’t hire one? In this post, we are sharing some of the possible consequences of not having legal help.

  1. Your claim may be denied or delayed. Insurance companies do not want to pay, and that’s the hard truth. They have vast resources and legal understanding of matters, and without a lawyer and your personal experience, the whole process can be overwhelming. Chances are high that the insurance company will use one ground or the other, to deny your claim, or even delay it, which may cause more financial troubles.
  2. You may not get a good settlement. Your personal injury claim is best decided by an attorney, because they know what it takes to actually get a settlement that the client deserves. In all likeliness, the insurance company will try and offer a negotiated amount that would be much lesser.
  3. You may get falsely blamed. This is not uncommon either. When the other party knows that you are on your own, they may shift the fault on you, and in worst situations, they may even choose to sue you. That will mean that you will have to deal with medical bills, loss of wages, and a new case too.

Hiring an auto accident lawyer is definitely a matter of choice, but you should hire one as soon as possible, so that your rights and interests are protected. It is also about being represented rightly and professionally in the case.